About us

We’re London-based YIMBYs. We believe in better housing for everyone. We think that everyone deserves a high-quality, safe and affordable place to live, and that the only way we can achieve that is to work together to build better places and more homes. YIMBY stands for “Yes in my back yard”: we support more affordable and better homes near us – all kinds of homes, from council to private housing.

We think London is an incredible place to live, but we have some of the most unaffordable housing of any major city in the world. Why? Because London hasn’t built enough homes for forty years - but it doesn’t have to be this way. We want to see attractive communities built to ensure London’s bright future.

Are you a homeowner?

Think your street could be better? We do too.

Under our proposals, which the Government has now backed, your street could become more be improved, help reduce the housing crisis and increase the value of your property.


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